Unlock Your Strength and

Thrive through Cancer Treatment

"Amazing woman and amazing support she will give to you. Total game changer in your life!! 🙏💕"

- Rhonda L, Canada

"I wouldn't be this positive if you didn't have all the tools you taught me.  Thank you, Melissa.🙏❣️" 

- Rosie A, UK

"You are amazing, inspiring and I cannot express the gratitude I feel for you sharing all this information. I have been using your advice through chemo and I have honestly had a trouble free journey after 10 weeks."

Delyse B., Australia

Cancer treatment focuses on your cancer. Who focuses on YOU?

Are You Ready to

Thrive through Treatment?

Cancer warriors face a few big problems during cancer treatment.

Cancer treatment is tough on your body. 

While the treatment may be killing cancer cells, it is also causing collateral damage to healthy cells contributing to unpleasant physical side effects.

Doctors don't give you nutrition or supplement advice

that research and studies have clearly shown can make

treatment more comfortable and more effective.

Cancer treatment is tough on your mind.

A cancer diagnosis is a shock and before you know it, you're in the throes of treatment and just living from appointment to appointment.

Doctors often don't provide emotional support 

beyond offering yet more medication.

Your medical team is focused on your cancer but once treatment is done, the support dwindles away but you may not be feeling like yourself. You deserve more.

Doctors don't provide you with a recovery plan.

Get out of survival mode and take action to access the information you need.

Let your team focus on your cancer and use

Thriving through Treatment to focus on YOU.  

What if ...

You didn't have to struggle during treatment?

What if you knew exactly how to choose your team, what to expect and how to plan and prepare for treatment?

What if you knew how to support yourself holistically  to help prevent, minimise and manage any side effects?

What if you knew strategies to make your treatment as effective as possible?

What if you felt positive, confident and empowered and ready to show cancer who's boss?

Take back control of your health

Introducing ...

Thriving through Treatment

Thriving through Treatment is a comprehensive 'dip and dive' self-study course that gives you the information, tools, strategies and resources you need to thrive through treatment.

Access information needed to prepare for any stage of cancer treatment - from diagnosis through recovery. 

In this course you will learn:

  • what risk factors may have made you vulnerable to a cancer diagnosis,
  • how cancer treatment causes collateral damage that must be dealt with,
  • what holistic strategies can help you navigate treatment more comfortably,
  • how to prevent and minimise side effects,
  • how to manage side effects,
  • how to make treatment more effective,
  • how to avoid common food and supplement interactions, and
  • how to set yourself up to recover properly after treatment.

With over 30 bite-sized videos (and transcripts), 30+ downloadable resources and a Bonus Recipe Collection with 260+ recipes to help you at every stage through treatment.

Take back control


show cancer who's boss ...

Stop all the googling and trying to figure it all out by yourself.

Stop feeling overwhelmed.

Get the support that you don't usually get from your medical team.

What's Included

How to build your dream care team

Knowing how to find the best team, what to look for and to get the most out of your appointments is a very important part of your care plan.

In this section you will learn:

  • How to create your dream team,
  • What experts you need, 
  • What you should expect from your team, and
  • What information you need about your treatment plan to make the best decisions for you. 

Resources include:

Questions to Ask Your Team

Questions to Ask About Your Treatment Plan

How to use food as medicine

Fuelling your body with proper nutrition can make all the difference to your treatment experience.

In this section you will learn:

  • basic principles of nutrition during treatment,
  • What foods may help minimise side effects and make treatment more effective,
  • What foods you should avoid as they can make side effects worse or interact with treatment, and
  • The importance of hydration and how to avoid dehydration issues. 

Resources include:

Nutrition Principles and Basic Guidelines

Foods That May Help During Treatment

Foods to Avoid During Treatment

How to use mindset as medicine

Mindset is everything. Feeling positive, confident and empowered can not only improve your quality of life during treatment but may also increase the likelihood of a successful outcome and smooth transition to recovery.

In this section you will learn:

  • how to manage fear and negative thoughts,
  • how to use tools such as positive affirmations, self-reflection and gratitude, and
  • how to use meditation, breath work and visualisation

Resources include:

How to Use Positive Affirmations to Support Yourself During Treatment

My Reflection, Positivity and Gratitude Journal

Breathing Exercises to Support Yourself During Treatment

How to use movement as medicine

Movement is important to help improve mindset and minimise side effects during treatment.

In this section you will learn:

  • why movement is essential during treatment,
  • what type of movement and exercise is best, and
  • what you should avoid.

Resources include:

Movement & Exercise Tips

How to use sleep as medicine

Sleep issues are common after a cancer diagnosis but with simple tips and strategies you can make improvements. Sleeping well during treatment can make all the difference to your quality of life.

In this section you will learn:

  • What current habits may be negatively affecting your sleep,
  • How a regular routine can help, and
  • Tips on how to improve your sleep.

Resources include:

Sleep Tips to Support You During Treatment

Food, Mood & Exercise Tracker

Supplements - what you need to know

Supplement use during treatment is a minefield.  Navigating this successfully though can reduce side effects and help make your treatment more effective.

In this section you will learn:

  • What you need to know,
  • How supplements work compared to medications, and
  • Which Supplements may help and which may interact.

Resources include:

Your Supplement & Medicine Tracker

How to thrive through chemotherapy, radiation and surgery

Treatment can be daunting but overcoming this feeling through understanding what's ahead and how to navigate can dramatically improve your cancer experience.

In this section you will learn:

  • What to expect,
  • How to plan and prepare, and
  • How to prevent or minimise side effects

Resources include:

Checklists to prepare for treatment

Treatment Bag Checklists

How to manage side effects

There is no doubt that there can be side effects of treatment. These can be minimised using lifestyle strategies but can also be managed through preparation and through things you can easily do at home.

This section is an entire resource collection where you will have access to tip sheets relating to over 19 different side effects.

You can choose to download the entire collection to have handy or refer to individual side effect tip sheets as needed.

Resources include:

Complete Collection of Side Effects

19+ Side Effect Tip Sheets

How to get the follow up care you deserve

Follow up care is an essential part of any treatment plan and is often overlooked.

In this section you will learn:

  • What you should expect from your care team, and
  • What a survivorship care plan should look like.

And ... how to recover from treatment

If not done correctly, recovery from treatment can be long and drawn out.  Side effects can linger for months, even years.

In this section you will learn:

  • What recovery from treatment should look like,
  • How to replenish your body with nutrients depleted by treatment, and
  • How to detox your body of toxins accumulated during treatment.

Resources include:

Your Replenish Protocol

Your Detox Protocol

Your Investment ...

  • Digital Course (Valued at $197)
  • 30+ bite-sized information & tip videos (Valued at $97)
  • 260+ recipes sorted according to stage of treatment (Valued at $67)
  • 30+ resources including (Valued at $97)
  • Food, Mood & Habit Trackers, Checklists (Valued at $47)
  • Tip guide on to help prevent & manage over 19 different side effects (Valued at $67)
  • Food Guide and Food Lists - what you can & can't eat during treatment (Valued at $57)
  • Supplement Guide - what supplements you can & can't take during treatment (Valued at $47)
  • Replenish & Detox Protocol (Valued at $47)
  • How to Rebuild and get your life back (Valued at $47)

Total Value = $770

Only $97CAD

That is less than $1/day of the average duration of just chemotherapy but the program covers surgery, radiation, how to recover and rebuild and much much more!

Imagine this ...

You are confident in your care team and your treatment plan.

You are prepared for each treatment and have set yourself up for success.

You fuel your body with the right foods at the right time.

You use supplements wisely to support your body.

You know how to prevent or minimise side effects.

You are able to stay positive and confident because you have the mindset tools.

You are able to manage any side effects with strategies at home.

You know how to obtain the best follow up care.

You know how to recover the right way.

You're confident and empowered throughout treatment and ...

You're ready to live your best life after cancer.

With this program, you’ll be able to:

Access information needed to prepare for any stage of cancer treatment - from diagnosis through recovery. 

You will learn:

* how to choose and manage your team,

* how to navigate treatment more comfortably,

* how to make treatment more effective,

* how to feel in control,

* how to minimise side effects,

* how to manage any side effects, and

* how to set yourself up to recover and rebuild more quickly.

With over 30 bite-sized videos, 30+ downloadable resources and 260+ recipes.

Stop all the googling - I've got you ...

I'm Melissa ...

I understand how scary a cancer diagnosis can be and how frustrating it is to have questions but no answers.

I am an ex-litigation lawyer turned certified holistic cancer coach and it is my mission to is empower women like you, at every stage of your cancer journey - from diagnosis to living your best life after cancer.

I created Thriving through Treatment because I remember what it was like ... how isolated I felt, how I struggled with fear, how I struggled with side effects.  It doesn't have to be that way and I've worked with hundreds of women all over the world to make sure they had a difference experience than me.

I learned that treatment is hard but with holistic support it can be so much easier.

You don't have to struggle. Take back control.

Seize this opportunity to show cancer who's boss so you can live your best life after cancer.

What people say about working with me

"I taught dance classes all week AND I took a tap class. I can't believe I am able to do this during treatment this time. I am so much stronger - this program works so well ❤️💃❤️"

- Jen C, USA

"I wouldn't be this positive if you didn't have all the tools you taught me.  Thank you, Melissa.🙏❣️"

- Rosie A, UK

<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/gbYjB24Kt-o" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

"Thriving Through Treatment Program. This is a very thorough program with tonnes of excellent information, yet not overwhelming. It is well laid out and organized...WOW, WOW, WOW!!!

Thank you for all the research, time, knowledge and passion that you have put into your programs. I truly believe that God put you in my path and because of this I am thriving through treatment,

I am very hopeful and most grateful."

- Jennifer T, Canada

Your Investment ...

  • Digital Course (Valued at $197)
  • 30+ bite-sized information & tip videos (Valued at $97)
  • 260+ recipes sorted according to stage of treatment (Valued at $67)
  • 30+ resources including (Valued at $97)
  • Food, Mood & Habit Trackers, Checklists (Valued at $47)
  • Tip guide on to help prevent & manage over 19 different side effects (Valued at $67)
  • Food Guide and Food Lists - what you can & can't eat during treatment (Valued at $57)
  • Supplement Guide - what supplements you can & can't take during treatment (Valued at $47)
  • Replenish & Detox Protocol (Valued at $47)
  • How to Rebuild and get your life back (Valued at $47)

Total Value = $770

Only $97CAD

You don't have to struggle

Are you ready to get the support you deserve?

The content on this website is intended for educational and informational purposes only. The information represents the opinion of Melissa Merchant and does not replace professional medical advice. Before beginning any dietary, lifestyle, exercise, or supplemental regimen, consult your medical team.

2024 All Rights Reserved. 

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