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Overcome confusion

and frustration around

cancer nutrition & lifestyle choices 




Overcome confusion

and frustration around

cancer nutrition & lifestyle choices 





I am now accepting clients for The Get Your Fight Back Method, my signature program.

I only take 8-10 clients per month to ensure that I can offer the highest level of support.

The Get Your Fight Back Method is a 6 month online, comprehensive step by step program. 

Take back control of your health and take back what cancer took

- optimism, self-confidence, initiative and self-determination -

while learning how and what to eat, reduce anxiety and practical tools to

make the changes enjoyable and sustainable.

"How the Get Your Fight Back Method

Changed My Life."

Ann Marie's Story ...

What Can the Get Your Fight Back Method Do For You?

During Treatment


Everything can seem difficult during treatment and you feel like you've lost control.  So many warriors are so focused on getting through their treatment that they don't take the time to nourish their mind and body. 

Even if you do focus on nutrition, eating can be tough because of appetite changes, nausea and changes to your taste buds.  Choosing what to eat and wading through what you 'should' and 'shouldn't' have may feel next to impossible if your struggling with brain fog. So many people give up and just eat whatever and their oncologist rarely tells them differently.  This is an opportunity lost!

The emotional challenges of diagnosis and treatment can also be difficult. Unfortunately, oncology teams are usually focused on your cancer and there is no one to guide you through emotionally.

You don't have to live this way. You can nourish yourself physically and emotionally during treatment and improve your comfort and treatment effectiveness.

Together we'll make sure that you are nourished physically and emotionally so you can get through this part of your cancer journey in the best way possible.

You'll learn how to emerge from this period in the best way possible and ready to embark on a cancer prevention lifestyle once treatment is completed.


Navigate through your treatments more comfortably and effectively to give you the best possible outcome while still being able to still enjoy your life during the process


Know exactly which foods will help you feel your best during treatment so you can actually get up and enjoy your day.

Understand the basics of nutrition and how targeted nutrition strategies can help manage and/or reduce side effects so that treatment is more comfortable and more effective.  

Learn to how to eat to maintain strength and stamina while supporting immune and cellular function to put you in the best position possible once treatment has ended.

Understand how to support yourself emotionally during this time and manage stress and anxiety.

After Treatment


You're through treatment and you thought life would go back to normal but you don't feel like you and things don't feel normal.

The care and support you may have enjoyed during treatment is over and you are just expected to return for your next scan in 3-6 months. You were focused on all your treatments and suddenly you may be asking yourself 'now what?'

This can make you feel so alone. Those around you may feel like the battle is over and now you are a survivor but in so many ways the battle has just begun. You may be feel like it isn't over. 

You may still not feel 100% physically and you may be struggling with anxiety and worry. You may feel like you think and worry about cancer 24/7 and feel overwhelmed and confused about what's next.

This is the time to get a plan and take back control of your health.

Together, we’ll make sure you recover and rebuild your physical and emotional strength and work towards reducing the risk of recurrence. Go forward into this period of your life feeling confident and empowered.

You’ll learn to create a lifestyle plan that helps you feel stronger than ever, both mentally and physically so you can live your best life after cancer.


Implement nutrition and mindset strategies to build a sustainable cancer prevention lifestyle that helps you reduce your risk of recurrence so you can feel confident.

Learn how to eat using clean, nutrient-dense food and use targeted nutrition to help reduce any lingering side effects and aid recovery. Understand how targeted nutrition aimed at issues like inflammation, hormone balance and immune health can serve to reduce your risk of recurrence going forward.

Learn how to manage and reduce stress, anxiety and fear so that cancer is not the boss.  Understand how mindset strategies can drastically reduce fear and negative thoughts.

Learn practical strategies on how to successfully live an anti-cancer lifestyle that is enjoyable, empowering and brings you and your family health and joy.


Feel like a superstar in the grocery store and the kitchen, easily navigating the aisles because you’ll know exactly which foods to look for and whipping up healthy, delicious meals that your family will love so you don't have to cook one meal for you and one for them.

Learn top tips on balance - how to include the foods you love in your new healthy lifestyle all while working towards reducing the risk of recurrence. 

Learn how to live without fear and stop the 'what if' conversation.  Reframe how you view your cancer experience and feel confident and empowered.

Build an anti-cancer lifestyle that is sustainable and enjoyable!

What's included?

The program is full of resources
you will use for life


Enjoy your program content and resources (including videos, tip sheets, cheat sheets, food guides and recipes) laid out for you on an easy to use private site.  You will have ongoing access so you do the program as many times as you like and/or have a continually updated bank of resources at your fingertips.


Each week you can join me live on a coaching call where I will answer your questions, offer support, motivation and top tips and life hacks to ensure your success.


You have access to hundreds of quick and easy recipes whether you are a vegan, vegetarian or omnivore that your whole family will love. If you have special needs or requests, recipes and meal plans can be developed for you at no charge.

1:1 COACHING SESSIONS (30 minutes)

Access 1:1 support from the GYFB team at any time.  You will have a 1:1 Progress Call at the mid-point of the program and a 1:1 Momentum Call in the last weeks to see how you are doing and what tweaks we can make to ensure your success. 

Other 1:1s can be booked as needed without charge.


In this group, dedicated to my clients only, you can connect with others, ask questions 7 days a week, celebrate wins, set intentions and use the group as motivation to achieve your goals.


Each week you have access to a set of recipes that support your body and mind as you work through the program.  There are also audio files, videos, cheat sheets and tip sheets resources provided.


You have access to a bonus 4 week bodyweight resistance training program to support your new found fitness when you feel ready to take it to the next level.  The program has detailed descriptions for each exercise and a link to video demonstrations.  All modifications are provided.  No equipment required!

Is this right for you?

you know you need to take action

you want to prevent a recurrence and maximise your treatment outcomes

you want to stop feeling anxious and overwhelmed

you want to stop living in fear

you want to regain energy and vitality

you want to take back control of your health

you want to know what you should be doing and how to do it

you want to transform your lifestyle so you can live your best life after cancer

Frequently asked questions

What do you cover in the program?

Everything! Together we tackle all the issues and struggles faced by cancer warriors. We focus on every aspect of lifestyle using nutrition and mindset strategies and my six pillar approach.

Curriculum Breakdown →

What if I can't make a coaching call?

No problem!  Coaching call replays are available in the private facebook group so you can watch them at any time! If you asked a question but weren't able to attend, I tag you in the replay post with the time I answered your questions so you can skip right to the part you may be most interested in.

Will this help me lose weight?

The program does not focus specifically on weight loss but it does help solve the issues that make weight loss difficult as a cancer warrior because we put the body back into balance.  In my experience, if you have weight to lose then this program will help you do that without focusing on the scale.

How much does the program cost?

If we feel that this program is the right fit for you, I don't want money to be the reason you don't do it.  For this reason, I offer several different program and payment options and we will find one that works for you.

We can discuss payment options when you book a call.

What happens when you

book a call?

We will find a time to have a chat about what is going on with you and what your goals are.  

I will identify the key nutrition and mindset issues that may be holding you back and together we will discuss your next best steps.

I'll prepare some resources to help move you forward and we will determine how to implement them, whether you decide to work with me privately or not.

If we feel that the Get Your Fight Back Method is right for you we can discuss the next steps.

When we decide to work together, I'll make sure you have all you need so that you are ready to start.

You'll get the program details and we will decide on a start date.

Are you ready to live your best life after cancer?

The content on this website is intended for educational and informational purposes only. The information represents the opinion of Melissa Merchant and does not replace professional medical advice. Before beginning any dietary, lifestyle, exercise, or supplemental regimen, consult your medical team.

2024 All Rights Reserved. 

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