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Free Resources

The Roadmap After Cancer:

The 3 keys to recovery and prevention

Watch at your convenience and learn about the

3 keys to recovery and prevention and download a

free Eat to Beat Cancer Guide and 7 day meal plan


Free Guides, Meal Plans and Recipe Collections

Fast, easy, family friendly & delicious!

7 Day Plan to Reduce Inflammation

Reducing inflammation is the first step to getting rid of side effects so you can feel better now and reduce your risks going forward

Cancer Therapies Tips & Tricks guide

Learn how to navigate treatment and make it as comfortable and effective as possible.

7 Day Freezer Meal Plan

Do you want to stock your freezer with

healthy, family friendly and yummy recipes

in under 3 hours? 

Healthy Salad Dressings

Learn how to make healthy versions of your

store bought favourites

Breakfast Smoothie Options

Grab your copy of healthy smoothie recipes to

start your day on the right foot

Veggie Burgers

Looking for veggie burger options?

Look no further ... 

No Fuss Healthy Summer Recipes

Fast, easy, healthy summer meals

Plant-based Stress & Anxiety Support Program

A meal plan full of nutrients to help your body and mind stay calm during periods of stress


Videos on Topics of Interest to Cancer Warriors

Get answers to commonly asked questions

(These are a selection of videos from my free

Facebook Group Live Your Best Life After Cancer)

The content on this website is intended for educational and informational purposes only. The information represents the opinion of Melissa Merchant and does not replace professional medical advice. Before beginning any dietary, lifestyle, exercise, or supplemental regimen, consult your medical team.

2024 All Rights Reserved. 

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