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Success Stories ...

It has been my honour to work with these wonderful women and help them

live their best life after cancer 

Video Testimonials ...
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Ann Marie's Story

"How the Get Your Fight Back Method changed my life and how this could be you too ..."

<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/yqr5v9r1q3Y" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Rosie's Transformation

"Why I decided it was time to take action and the big changes that came from doing the Get Your Fight Back Method."

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Written testimonials ...


After 2 rounds of 72-hour long chemo treatments and 30 radiation treatments in a 6 week period, my body was wrecked.  I joined Melissa in the Get Your Fight Back Method this past May, and it was life changing!!  I feel better than I have felt in a long, long time, and I owe it all to Melissa.  This program is the perfect reminder for me to stay the path.  I'm so excited!!


I was diagnosed September 2020 with breast cancer, had a double mastectomy and left side lymph node clearance in October, 8 rounds of chemo and 15 rounds of radiation.  I joined Melissa's Get Your Fight Back program at the beginning of chemo and it helped tremendously with reduced/few side effects, stronger mental attitude and the knowledge to go forward.  Ever grateful for the opportunity to be part of such an amazing program. xx


I was diagnosed in April 2019.  Surgery, chemo, radiation, herceptin all over the course of 18 months. It was a long road!  Positive thinking is always good.

I started working with Melissa in March of 2021.  The Get Your Fight Back Method has been the best change I could do for ME!  I eat better, sleep better and feel great!  I've also lost some weight!!


I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2020.  Had surgery, chemo and radiation and am still doing herceptin infusions once every three weeks.  I met Melissa and started the Get Your Fight Back Method back in April and have completely changed the way I live and eat!

Carrie (US)

Melissa is an amazing human being and a true ally on this never ending journey! I love that there is no sugar coating the important topics and how Melissa is literally cheering you on every step of the way! Also, the group support is amazing! I love how folks chime in when someone posts a question, a struggle or a victory . . . it definitely takes the loneliness out of being a warrior!

Dee (Canada)

Melissa, you have been an amazing coach ! You pull us up when we are down and going through the worst stuff in our life. You help us when we are struggling and you put in extra effort when we need it. You answer all of our questions or find answers for us. Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. You have given me the certain way to succeed moving forward. I am blessed to have you in my life! 💖

Samantha (UK)

I have to say along with all you've written, you are a truly inspirational person who laughs and cries with all in the group.  Nothing is too much trouble and you make the time to speak one to one.  I'm so pleased I met you on this journey that none of us wanted to go down. xx

Jennifer (US)

After talking to Melissa about my emotional state yesterday - I walked away with fresh eyes for my radiation treatment today - I said my mantra throughout the procedure and felt empowered and positive instead of defeated and down.  Thank you Melissa you are a blessing in my life - it helps to talk to someone who has walked in my shoes.

What was the biggest change you experienced

after completing the Get Your Fight Back Method?

Mary (US)

The biggest help was a mindset change: instead of feeling completely overwhelmed by information, I had a plan. The plan was simple (even if not easy). It was laid out in a beautiful format that helped me to feel like I had a resource to consult so I knew what to do. I also had Melissa and the weekly calls to answer any further questions or to help me with the "how-tos."

I had a straight forward action plan to tackle my anxiety. Instead of not knowing what to do, I was able to follow the plan and break the large task of dealing with my anxiety into small, everyday steps... easy worksheets to work on. I just filled in the little boxes on the worksheets and I was able to make friends with my anxiety and see it for what it is: thoughts that are not necessarily true. The daily practices helped to relieve my anxiety, and help me to build a reserve for when stress comes my way in the future.

I love the steps that the program is broken down into. Each weeks tasks were very doable - I did not feel like it was too much to handle.

I LOVE the simple recipes... healthy eating, good, clean ingredients... but I am not spending all of my time cooking! I love the photos, the ingredient lists and the EASY and SHORT directions. This really made eating healthfully something I can do! And most things taste great! I have plenty of choices of things I am actually happy to choose to eat

Elaine (UK)

I feel more confident that I am making the best diet and nutrition choices to prevent a recurrence.  Without even trying, I lost the 13lbs which I had put on during chemo/steroid treatment.

I feel so positive in my outlook that I am now weaning myself off the anti-anxiety medication which I have taken for years.  I have also started to tackle years worth of clutter and dust around the house that had got so bad I'd been unable to face it - even before the cancer diagnosis.

Would you recommend the

Get Your Fight Back Method and working with Melissa?

Carrie (US)

Do it! You won't be sorry!

I would recommend it for so many reasons, but I would say the most important takeaway for me was finding more balance between all the lifestyle factors and coming up with a plan that is sustainable as a very busy, working mom.  I was being crippled by perfectionism, which Melissa totally gets, and have made great strides!  I feel like I am truly living now, so if you feel like you're not, then sign yourself up!

Dee (US)

I would absolutely recommend take the course if someone asked me!  The benefits of taking the course far outweigh the lost feelings of not knowing what to do next.  To build a plan to move forward in our journey, to get the best out of ourselves to do our best to kick cancer to the curb!

The content on this website is intended for educational and informational purposes only. The information represents the opinion of Melissa Merchant and does not replace professional medical advice. Before beginning any dietary, lifestyle, exercise, or supplemental regimen, consult your medical team.

2024 All Rights Reserved. 

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